Frank Ntilikina可能是聯盟中防守Luka Doncic最合適的人選?

Luka Doncic帶領獨行俠闖入季後賽中跟西岸第二位的洛杉磯快艇硬碰,21歲的Doncic在第四場比賽中表現出有史以來最出色的季後賽表現之一。

主持人Gavin Schall在最新一集"Locked On Knicks"播客中對紐約人的交易資產進行了排名,提出Frank Ntilikina應該是球隊目前看來最高價值的球員。

Gavin Schall認為當你進入季後賽並且與世界上最好的五位球員之一對陣時,你可以使其中一位球員的戰績降低5-10%的話,那你就是聯盟之中可以擁有價值的球員之一。 總觀,Frank Ntilikina的所有證據都表明他不僅是這班人之中的一員,而且還是聯盟中最擅長做到這一點的五人之一。Gavin Schall今天看到的一個統計數據是在比賽中與Luka Doncic一對一的每分鐘,Frank實質上是NBA之中防守Luka Doncic的最佳球員,而且他是在一個不算那麼無關緊要的樣本量中做出來的。 在一對一的情況下,他防守Luka Doncic的時間排在聯盟前16位。 正如我們前幾天看到的那樣,Luka當然是擁有聯盟前五名的進攻力量。對Gavin來說,Frank Ntilikina被大大低估了,他會用那種非前十的選秀權來交易他。

Gavin Schall: When you’re in playoff series and you’re going up against one of the five best players in the world, if you can make one of those guys 5-10% worse, that’s one of the move valuable player types you can have in the league. And by and large, all the evidence we have on Frank Ntilikina is that not only is he one of those guys, he’s one of the five or so best at doing that in all of basketball.

I saw a stat today that in his minutes one-on-one with Luka Doncic he was essentially the best player in the NBA at guarding Luka Doncic and had done so in a not so insignificant sample size. He spent something like the 16th most minutes of anyone in the league guarding Luka Doncic in one-on-one situations. And as we saw the other day Luka certainly fits that category of top-five offensive force in all of basketball.

And to me that makes Frank fairly underrated, I would trade a non-Top 10 pick for that kind of guy.
Gavin所提及的數據來自Jeffrey Bellone,儘管本賽季Frank Ntilikina僅對上Doncic 6分36秒(有18名球員更加頻繁地防守他)。Frank Ntilikina成功壓制出最多失誤和封阻(7+1)。
