
LeBron James一直是NBA中最具影響力的球員之一。他在社區中的貢獻反映出他對那些擁有不幸遭遇的人的關心,他受到不少同齡人的尊敬。 在過去一週裡,LeBron James再次為聯盟和公義發聲,希望為到發生種族不公平對待的現象發聲並參與球員們是否繼續完成本賽季的討論。LeBron James在會議中選擇離開時,心意已決不再參與本賽季的賽事。但現在經過一輪高層之間的討論後,比賽將在明天繼續進行。
然而,據ESPN名記Stephen A. Smith報導,LeBron實際上在會議中激怒了聯盟中不少年輕球員,甚至名記。正如A. Smith所描述的那樣,LeBron與一些年輕球員進行了交談期間擺出一副高高在上的姿態。


引用"He sort of came off like, 'I got mine, I don't need this,' and walked out," Smith said.
Smith表示會議最後時間,當所有人都以為會議已經結束時,LeBron抓住麥克風,講了大約15分鐘。並以一種惹人討厭的語氣對所有人說了15分鐘,他想要表達的是「我必須照顧好我底下的人們」。但這個時候人們只會覺得「你在說什麼東西?」雖然他們沒有直接對LeBron這麼說,但像是Woj [ESPN記者Adrian Wojnarowski]這些有名的記者們都覺得他越界了,像是把皇冠戴在自己頭上的國王,而且這是讓人感到反胃。

引用When everybody thought the meeting was over, LeBron James grabs the mic, and from what I'm told, talks for about 15 minutes, and he's talking for about 15 minutes in a fashion that turned everybody off because they had already agreed to what they were going to do moving forward," Smith said.

"And he was talking about 'the guys beneath me, I have to look out for the guys beneath me' to the point where you have people saying, 'What the hell you mean, beneath you?' Now they didn't say that to him, but they certainly said it to people like myself, Woj [ESPN reporter Adrian Wojnarowski] and others who were covering that meeting. He came across as if he was the king with some crown and what have you, and it was a real, real turnoff."

現在且看明天復賽湖人對陣拓荒者之後LeBron James會不會再有所謂的「肺腑之言」。

