LeBron James在贏得第四個總冠軍和總決賽MVP之後,Abdul-Jabbar給予自己的看法!

洛杉磯湖人隊傳奇Kareem Abdul-Jabbar今天參加了ESPN的"First Take"節目談到LeBron James在沃爾特迪士尼世界贏得職業生涯第四次總冠軍和第四次總決賽MVP。對於LeBron在克利夫蘭騎士隊,熱火隊和洛杉機湖人隊以及場外所做的事情,Abdul-Jabbar表示尊敬。
引用Abdul-Jabbar在"First Take"節目表示:「我認為人們會記住他在三個不同城市打球時表現出來的質素,還有每次都帶來總冠軍。那是挺讓人印象深刻的,而我覺得如果那是他唯一留下的遺產,那絕對是超凡的。」

“Well, I think people will remark on the quality of his presence in three different cities and brought the championship each time. That’s pretty impressive and I think if that’s his only legacy, it’s extraordinary,” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said about Lakers superstar LeBron James.


“But he’s done a lot more than that, both on the court and off the court and that’s why I have a lot of respect for him, the way that he’s involved politically and socially, sending all those kids to school, he’s an amazing individual.”
LeBron James是NBA歷史上唯一一位在三支不同球隊獲得總決賽MVP的球員。他還是唯一在得分和助攻榜上排在前十名的球員。如果LeBron James繼續以MVP水準的發揮,他就有機會超越Abdul-Jabbar在歷史得分榜的排名。Abdul-Jabbar職業生涯一共獲得38,387分,LeBron目前獲得34,241分,排在第三位。

