
湖人獲得2019-20年度總冠軍,Rajon Rondo已經成為了NBA史上第二位在湖人和塞爾特人獲得總冠軍的球員。但是最近Rajon Rondo透露自己在2014-15年效力達拉斯獨行俠期間差點因為一時衝動而退休。
Rachel Nichols在"The Full 58"播客節目中透露 Rajon Rondo告訴她差點在幾年前退休了。2014-15年度效力達拉斯獨行俠的時候因為與Rick Carlisle不和而受到了外界責備。其後也只有兩支球隊在休賽季向他招手,以致他萌生退役的念頭,他當時在想:「好吧,可能是時候要退出籃球界了。」
引用“He told me he almost retired a few years ago because when the catastrophe in Dallas happened between him and Rick Carlisle —and we can assign all kinds of blame for that,” Nichols revealed in an appearance on The Full 58 podcast, and relayed by SN Nation. “He said that only two teams called him that offseason, and that he was sort of thinking, ‘Well maybe I just don’t want to do this anymore.’ He could have been out of basketball.”

Rondo最終在休賽期與薩克拉曼多國王隊簽下了一份為期一年的合同,然後在2016年再次回到自由市場,對他感興趣的也只有一兩隊球隊。當時他失望的告訴ESPN的Jackie MacMullan,他認為聯盟所有球隊都對他反感,同時覺得其實也有不少球員像他一樣被假定了態度而變得無人問津。
引用“After that, only one or two teams were calling, and I said, ‘I’ve seen this story before,’” Rondo says. “Ever since Dallas, guys were trying to get me out of the league. So many players get blackballed because of their supposed attitude. All of a sudden, nobody wanted to touch me.”
Rondo最終在夏天與芝加哥簽約,之後在第二年轉戰新奧爾良鵜鶘,成為Anthony Davis的隊友。最後就是洛杉磯,這已經是他五年來的第六支球隊。當他去年夏天與湖人隊續約的時候,這其實是他離開波士頓以來第一次在同一個球隊效力超過一年。


