【交易傳聞】熱火不願意以Tyler Herro作為Oladipo的交易籌碼,除非對象是字母哥或Beal!

今年20歲Tyler Herro在泡沫復賽到闖入NBA總決賽期間都是邁阿密熱火表現最好的球員之一。這位新秀今季入選了最佳新秀二隊,季後賽平均每場獲得16分,其中東岸決賽更砍下37分。

《The Athletic》的Zach Harper認為Herro具有成為Devin Booker的潛力,但熱火總管Pat Riley卻沒有把Herro當成球隊的未來基石或是非賣品。他們希望在本休賽期為球隊增添一位球星,他們願意以Herro作為交易籌碼放出。
有傳假如Giannis Antetokounmpo最終決定不與公鹿簽下頂薪合同的話,熱火希望從公鹿交易換來他。另一方面球隊也希望可以從巫師換來Bradley Beal。邁阿密熱火在即將到來的休賽季不得不選擇自己是否該對陣容保持耐心,否則要球星加盟的話就得放棄如Herro,Duncan Robinson,Kendrick Nunn等潛力新秀,還有大量首輪選秀權。

《The Athletic》的Zach Harper認為涉及Tyler Herro的交易可以換來一位大球星,但假如他們不選擇放棄Herro的話,就算放出Nunn,他們也得放棄2025年的首輪選秀權。不過他們也可以選擇加上Robinson來避免釋出未來選秀權。除非交易案中牽涉Giannis或Beal,否則Herro不會被交易。 聯盟消息人士認為Victor Oladipo的交易不會考慮到換出Tyler Herro作為交易籌碼。
引用“Prying him away from the Heat will take a very big star.” Harper writes. “If they won’t give up Herro, then they’ll need to trade first-round picks starting in 2025 … If Nunn and cap flexibility are the players involved, those future picks will have to fly. If we throw Robinson into the mix, it becomes easier to not have to part with future picks. If Herro is involved, there is no need to attach future picks. It’s just hard to see Herro being involved unless they’re acquiring Giannis or Beal in a potential trade. League sources believe a trade for Oladipo wouldn’t even consider including Herro on Miami’s end of it. ‘Riley hangs up.'”


