Arenas憶起跟Steve Blake最摸不著頭腦的事情:練習時向我揮拳,練習完請我吃飯!

如今在NBA打架的場面已經很少見了,但想當年就算是自己隊友也不時在訓練中發生爭執。最近的一集《 The No Chill》播客節目中,Gilbert Arenas談到前隊友Steve Blake,他們之間發生了讓他感到很困惑的事情。
引用「在練習中,我肘擊中了Steve Blake,然後他轉身也朝我揮了一拳。我當時想『該死的,你等著瞧』。哦,你來真的嗎? 這個白人男孩真的向我揮拳嗎? 這就是我們在相處的方式吧? 我們需要來個了斷,例如在地板上進行摔跤。訓練結束後。他說『喂,你們都想去Legal Seafood嗎?』」

「你在說什麼?你不要這樣跟我講話。他的感覺就像『去Legal seafood吧,我請客,讓我們把這件事忘了』不,這是場下的他,上了場他是一個完全不同的人。之後我們去了Legal Seafood,然後說了很多比賽的事情。我們沒有提及剛剛他朝我揮拳,然後在場邊打了一架的事情。」

Gilbert Arenas深信那肯定不是Steve Blake第一次或最後一次與隊友發生爭執。

“During practice I elbowed Steve Blake and he swung at me,” Arenas said. “I was like, ‘Damn, wait hold on.’ Oh, really? Did the white boy just throw a punch at me? Is that how we’re working here, right? We’re going through it, like wrestling on the floor. Practiced ended. He’s like, ‘Hey, man, y’all want to go to Legal Seafood?’

“What are you talking to me like that for? Don’t be talking to me like that. He was like, ‘Let’s go to Legal Seafood, food on me; let’s go through these plays.’ No, it’s just off the court this is him. On the court, he’s a whole different person. Then, we go to Legal Food and talk about plays. We didn’t even talk about him throwing a punch at me and we over here fighting in the corner.”

That certainly wasn’t the first or last time Blake had a confrontation with a teammate.
儘管Steve Blake沒有很強壯的肌肉,但是他不屈服於任何人,要打架就隨時奉陪。不過,Gilbert Arenas提到跟Steve Blake的這件事情實在摸不著頭腦,可能是因為Blake知道Arenas在更衣室藏有手槍吧?

