前勇士球員Richard Jefferson認為勇士不可能在下個賽季競逐總冠軍!

即將進入2020-2021NBA賽季,有人認為金州勇士隊將在傷病困擾的一年後重振旗鼓對聯盟「報復」。然而曾經也是勇士一員的Richard Jefferson認為勇士不可能在未來一季進行「復仇之旅」。

在ESPN的“The Jump”節目中,Richard Jefferson提到浪花兄弟Stephen Curry和 Klay Thompson,認為他們這對組合會是聯盟最好的後場組合直至退役。但是現在提到下個賽季的「復仇之旅」,鑑於Stephen Curry上個賽季都沒打過好幾場,加上Klay Thompson缺席了一整個賽季。Jefferson認為他們首先要自我調節,可能是參加一個迷你訓練營。他們需要保持健康,變得強悍。畢竟二人大概都已經30歲,卻錯過了整個籃球賽季。
引用“They are the best backcourt and they are going to be the best backcourt until they probably retire at this point,” Jefferson said of Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and the Warriors on ESPN’s “The Jump” (via NBC Sports).

“But this is the issue about next season — the Revenge Tour, quote-unquote. Steph hasn’t played very much basketball in the last year. Klay has missed an entire season of basketball. You have to condition yourself — I don’t care — they aren’t even going to the minicamps. I know these guys are going to be in shape, I know these guys are going to be tough — I’m not saying that. But there is something about being 30 years old and missing an entire season of basketball.”
在2018-19賽季的NBA總決賽期間,當Kevin Durant和Klay Thompson受到嚴重傷患時,傷病開始堆積。然後,在過去的19-20賽季初,Curry因手受傷缺席了幾近半個賽季。除了Thompson和Curry的傷病之外,Durant的離開也對勇士造成了打擊。唯一幸運的是因為戰績排在西岸最後所以才能夠以較大的機率抽中第二順位。

引用“So I don’t think next season will be their quote-unquote. It will be the next season when they have their legs back under them, they kind of in more of a rhythm. That’s when I think they can really start taking names and kicking butts,” Richard Jefferson added.
你認同Richard Jefferson的講法嗎?小編有信心勇士能重奪季後賽席位,至於總冠軍的爭奪要視乎他們在後備席的補強了。

