Montrezl Harrell首開腔回應離開快艇加盟湖人的決定:「其實這並非一個艱難的決定!」

Montrezl Harrell為快艇效力三個賽季後決定離開轉戰同屬洛杉磯的湖人隊,這無疑引起了洛杉磯快艇隊眾人的不滿。

“That’s not really a hard thing to do man,” said Harrell in regards to his decision to sign with the Lakers. “You’re playing with two premier superstars in our league with LeBron and AD. You know these guys…the record speaks for itself, the name speaks for itself. When you have guys on the floor that high-caliber, I don’t feel like it’s gonna take that much getting used to. I don’t feel like I have to play with one particular style.”
當聯盟宣布Montrezl Harrell獲得年度最佳第六人的時候,他正與快艇團隊一同在迪士尼泡沫場區打季後賽。然而,他並沒有打出停賽之前的水準,加上隊友也沒有好好發揮配合,最終意外地被金塊隊逆轉淘汰。在經歷了令人失望的賽季之後,有傳球隊出現內閧。雖然快艇團隊立馬換上新教練Tyronne Lue希望重整旗鼓,但是無奈地Harrell依然選擇離開。
不少湖人球迷猜測他的加盟導致了Dwight Howard的離開,雖然大家都為Howard感到不忿,但也希望Harrell能夠扛起板凳大旗,與LeBron和AD再次衛冕總冠軍。

