Enes Kanter重返拓荒者當日Damian Lillard發短信:「我們一起拿冠軍。」

波特蘭拓荒者最近在波士頓塞爾特人隊和孟菲斯灰熊隊的三方交易中帶來了Enes Kanter。身高6尺10寸的Kanter曾經在2019賽季末被紐約人交易到拓荒者,一共打了23場比賽,其中8場以正選中鋒上陣,場均上陣22.3分鐘,得到13.1分8.6籃板,命中率達57.7%。
引用在最近的一次接受HoopsHype的Dionysis Aravantinos的採訪中,Kanter表示他對自己的回歸感到興奮,尤其是在收到Damian Lillard的短信後:「我被交易到波特蘭的那天,Dame (Damian Lillard) 給我發短信,他說『我們一起拿冠軍。』我感到非常興奮。昨天我也見過CJ(CJ Mccollum),他為我在這裡感到非常高興。其實不僅僅是他們二人,其他所有人也是這麼想。他們都是我的舊隊友,而且很高興見到我回來了。」

“The day I got traded to Portland, Dame texted me, and he said, ‘Let’s go out there and win a championship.’ I was just super excited. I also saw CJ yesterday, and he was just very happy for me being here. But not only them, all the other guys as well. They were my ex-teammates, and they were so happy to see me come back,” said Kanter.
拓荒者隊最近將Hassan Whiteside交易到薩克拉曼多國王隊,這意味著Kanter可能會擔任首發中鋒Jusuf Nurkic的替補。


