
不知不覺間Kobe Bryant已經離開我們快要一年了,最近熱火傳奇Dwayne Wade接受ESPN的Russell Wilson訪問憶起二人在08年奧運的美好回憶。

引用“One of my favorite things about that experience with Kob’ is, so I was coming off the bench,” the NBA icon said to Russell. “And Kob’ came to me and he knew I was coming off the bench and he said ‘Hey D when you get in, …I’m gonna pick up the defender, 94 feet. I’m gonna harass ’em.’ …All Kobe cared about was defense.”
Kobe Bryant的職業生涯以得分能力見稱。然而,起初較著重進攻得分的Kobe慢慢走上成為巨星的偉大道路。他癡迷於比賽的態度,只要能取得勝利,任何事情都會竭盡全力去做。

引用“To be able to play with a guy who had everything offensively, who coulda just demanded us give him the ball every time down. Was worried about defense? In the Olympics? Come on bro,” Wade added about the late NBA star and Los Angeles Lakers legend.
一直以來,美國隊在奧運大會中都是冠軍大熱門,論進攻得分力足以輾壓對手,沒想到Kobe關心的不是要如果在比賽中大獲全勝,而是怎樣在比賽中表現出最好的態度。這樣一來是尊重對手,也能帶來一場精彩絕倫的比賽。這就是Kobe Bryant的曼巴精神!

