Steve Nash談陣中的角色:「他有時可以擔當像Manu Ginobili一樣的角色!」

今年Steve Nash首次擔任主教練的職位,而他首支執教的球隊籃網擁有出色的陣容深度。Kevin Durant和Kyrie Irving肯定會成為首發球員,而Caris LeVert則被主教練Steve Nash考慮分配到第六人位置。他認為LeVert無論是以正選或是後備的角色上陣都能有很好的發揮,就像當年馬刺的Manu Ginobili。
今天籃網對陣巫師這一仗中Steve Nash分享了對LeVert的評估和未來計劃。

引用Steve Nash接受NY Daily News的Kristian Winfield訪問時表示:「仍然努力探討中。Caris是一名首發球員,至於他會不會以正選上陣?我仍然不能肯定。他持球進攻的能力非常好,這驅使他有時可以擔當像Manu Ginobili一樣的角色。」

“Still working through it. Caris is a starter. Will he start for us? I’m not sure yet,” Nash said, per Kristian Winfield of the NY Daily News. “He’s so good with the ball in his hands that there’s a case to be made that he plays that (Manu) Ginobili role.”
在LeVert的職業生涯中幾乎都以首發上陣,但是Steve Nash認為他無論是正選或是後備上陣都非常好。就如Manu Ginobili一樣,雖然是替補球員,但是有著全明星一樣的實力。儘管有人認為若然他以第二陣容上陣的話會有更多的持球進攻機會,但對於教練來說,這是一個重要的決定。

引用“There is a thought though that he could have more reps with the ball in his hands if he captains the second unit for two stretches in a game, then plays with the starters at moments or to close. All that stuff is to be figured out but it’s great decisions for a coach to have.”

