
大家對金州勇士隊的榜眼James Wiseman抱有很高的期望嗎?根據ESPN的調查發現,他有望在新秀賽季成為最佳新秀。
而金州勇士總經理Bob Myers認為他的態度非常專業。在常規賽開始之前,Myers透露了一個關於Wiseman的故事。

Myers在SiriusXM NBA電台上發表了一段講話談及早前他找Wiseman想看看他在做什麼。結果發現他在看1999年的Tim Duncan。Wiseman想知道Duncan是如何從比賽中學習的,而他想觀察一下自己有什麼可以模仿Duncan。

引用“I called him [Wiseman] last week, and I said, ‘What are you doing?’ He said, ‘I’m watching Tim Duncan tape.’ And I’m thinking yeah right (laughter). I said, ‘What year?’ He said, ‘1999.’

“I said, ‘What are you watching?’ He said, ‘I just want to see how he learned the game, and try to mimic some of the stuff he did.’ And then I kind of said, ‘Well, what are you doing when you’re not watching tape?’

雖然剛從武漢肺炎康復的Wiseman一場熱身賽未打,但是感覺他對自己有一定的要求,他的學習對象居然是名人堂成員Tim Duncan。身高7尺1寸的Wiseman已經有很好的天賦,本賽季的高度將取決於他得到多少上場時間。
