
今季只是21歲的Luka Doncic在NBA的第三年,但已經成為了常規賽MVP的大熱。Luka Doncic深信自己有能力贏得該獎項,這是他既定的目標之一,但他也專注於更大的獎項。

引用Luka Doncic接受ESPN的Rachel Nichols訪問時表示:「我想我能做到。但這不是我的首要的目標。我的目標始終是贏得總冠軍。不只是我,而是整個組織。希望有一天我們能夠實現。」

“I think I can do it,” Luka Doncic told ESPN’s Rachel Nichols. “But that’s not my first goal. Far from it. My goal is always is to win the championship. Not just mine, the whole organization. Hopefully, someday we can achieve it.”
Luka Doncic在2019-20賽季表現出色,是二年級年之中最矚目。他以場均得到28.8分9.4個籃板和8.8次助攻的數據在MVP投票中排名第四。


Luka Doncic將帶領獨行俠在斯台普斯中心的聖誕大戰中訓戰LeBron James帶領的洛杉磯湖人隊。對此,Doncic感到十分興奮,很高興能否打聖誕大戰,定必有很多人收看。

引用“I’m very excited. This is my first one, and we play the champions,” Doncic said about playing on Christmas. “That’s why I’m excited, too. It’s gonna be a fun day, fun game, and a lot of people are going to be watching.”

Doncic還談到了他第一次跟現在迎戰LeBron的比較。星期五將是Luka Doncic第七次面對LeBron。他表示雖然這依然很特別,但是情況已經不同了,他們會嘗試取得勝利。

引用“Now it’s way different than the first game,” Doncic told Nichols about facing James. “It’s still special, but it’s a different situation. You’re just trying to win.”
