感恩!Caris LeVert表示:「這筆交易拯救了我的生命!」

Caris LeVert上週在核磁共振檢查後發現左腎有腫塊後正積極接受治療。

他表示如果自己依舊留在布魯克林,他不知道何時才會發現問題。 這筆交易實際上可說拯救他的生命,因為在加入球隊之前要通過一系列的體測,而正正在體測之中發現了問題所在。
引用LeVert在週二接受ESPN時表示:「我沒有出現任何症狀。我只是繼續比賽。這一季我還沒缺席過任何一場賽事。我覺得是百分百健康的。這筆交易絕對顯示了我的身體出現了什麼問題,我才可以正視問題,並且絕對感激這筆長遠來看拯救了我的交易 。」

“I didn’t have any symptoms. I was playing in games. I hadn’t missed any games this season yet. I was feeling 100 percent healthy,” LeVert said Tuesday, via ESPN. “So, in a way, this trade definitely showed and revealed what was going on in my body, so I’m definitely looking at it from that side and definitely humbled to know that this trade could’ve possibly saved me in the long run.”

引用“To me, the most important thing is to get my body healthy and make sure I live a long life,” LeVert said, via ESPN. “Before basketball, I think that’s the most important thing so, for me, I’m not really looking at that side of things.

“Obviously, I want to play as soon as possible. I’m a competitor, I love to play the game. But for me, I think making sure I’m good health-wise is most important. So, as far as timeline and everything like that, we’ll definitely figure it out sometime in the future. But right now we just don’t have those answers.”

