Valanciunas重摔Metu致手掌骨折!Walton, Morant各持己見!Nurkic有感而發!

情人節當天在灰熊對陣國王的比賽中,灰熊Jonas Valanciunas因為不滿國王的Chimezie Metu在隔扣自己之後跨在自己的頭上,所以把他狠狠的摔在地上。今天Metu接受檢查後發現右手掌出現骨折。

“That was a dangerous play,” Walton said, via the Sacramento Bee. “He hooked him by the leg and tried to throw him down, so I don’t understand how it’s not, in what today’s NBA is, is not even considered a flagrant foul.

“I don’t see how that’s a basketball play.”
引用灰熊隊的Ja Morant則覺得是Metu的問題,Morant表示:「他是有點過份的,他扣籃成功後可能覺得有點興奮。我覺得他把雙腿跨在Valanciunas身上,這對一個男人有點不敬。我完全不會怪JV。」

“He went a little overboard,” Morant said, via the Sacramento Bee. “He got the dunk, probably was excited. I felt like he wrapped his legs around [Valanciunas] and that’s a little disrespectful to a man.

“I don’t blame JV at all.”
引用正從手掌骨折傷康復的Jusuf Nurkic則有感而發,他在影片的留言區表示:「來吧Jonas,兄弟,我們可以把事情處理得好一點。Metu是個好球員。希望早日康復!」

“Come on Jonas, bro, we can do better than this. Metu, he’s a baller #fastrecovery,” the Blazers big man wrote of the foul on the Kings player.

