暴風雪災情嚴重!James Harden餐廳為老東家休士頓災民送餐:「我把休斯頓當作家!」

美國得州面臨30年來最嚴重的暴風雪吹襲,停水停電,James Harden在社交網發貼表示旗下餐廳會免費為災民提供膳食,甚至可以致電餐廳要求外賣,連日已經送出3000份糧食。
不知不覺間,James Harden已經為休士頓這座城市打了9年球。今天在對陣快艇的比賽之後接受訪問提及有關災情的事宜:「我幾乎每天都會打電話嘗試幫助這座城市。因為當我在那裡效力的時候,他們向我展示了很多愛與敬意。我會把休斯頓當作家。 顯然,這次的災情比颶風哈維還要糟,因為我們不知道有多少人受到影響,現在沒有電沒有能源。 而且他們沒有足夠的糧食,或者無家可歸。我們正在嘗試提供足夠的食物,而且還要提供大量的水。向BodyArmor致敬,他正在幫助我。本週我們將為他們運送大量的水。」

引用I’m on phone calls literally every day, all day. Trying to impact the city, because they’ve shown me so much love and respect in the time that I was there.
I call Houston home. It was devastating, obviously. It was probably worse than the hurricane [Harvey], because we don’t know how many people were affected, not having electricity, not having power. And they aren’t able to eat, or be outside, or whatever the case may be. Not only food, we’re trying to feed as many people as we can, but a lot of water. Shoutout to BodyArmor, who’s helping me with that. We’re getting a lot of water shipped in this week for people, which I’ll be posting.

上周四他亦為災民送水,早在2017年颶風哈維吹襲得州,他捐出775萬港元賑災,獲得大眾稱讚。雖然James Harden季初因交易風波而跟火箭鬧翻,但現在仍然不遺餘力幫助休士頓脫離困境。希望大家多多關注他,你可能不喜歡他的打球風格,但他熱心公益救助大家,至少人品不會太差吧。

