直播噴種族歧視髒話!Meyers Leonard遭聯盟介入調查並無限期停賽!

今天Meyers Leonard涉嫌在遊戲平台的直播中,說出了一些歧視猶太人的字眼,聯盟隨即介入展開調查。

事源是這樣的:Meyers Leonard在TWITCH直播遊戲《決勝時刻》時,突然說出了歧視猶太人的字句「去你的懦夫,不要偷偷狙擊我,你這個該死的Kike。」當中"Kike"屬於歧視猶太人的意思。

"I am deeply sorry for using an anti-Semitic slur during a livestream yesterday," he wrote. "While I didn't know what the word meant at the time, my ignorance about its history and how offensive it is to the Jewish community is absolutely not an excuse and I was just wrong. I am now more aware of its meaning and I am committed to properly seeking out people who can help educate me about this type of hate and how we can fight it.

"I acknowledge and own my mistake and there's no running from something like this that is so hurtful to someone else. This is not a proper representation of who I am and I want to apologize to the Arisons, my teammates, coaches, front office, and everyone associated with the Miami Heat organization, to my family, to our loyal fans and to others in the Jewish community who I have hurt. I promise to do better and know that my future actions will be more powerful than my use of this word."

要知道自從美國爆發種族主義"Black Lives Matter"的大規模遊行後,聯盟更著重有關種族言論所帶來的影響。無論你是球星或是普通球員,你在任何場合包括網上也必須注意自己的言行舉止。否則,捲入種族仇恨的風波只會為自己帶來不利的影響,甚至是人生安全的威脅。

