Scottie Pippen長子因病離世:「若果不是哮喘,我相信他能夠在NBA中打拼!」

Scottie Pippen的長子Antron Pippen在昨日因病離世,享年33歲。芝加哥公牛隊傳奇球星Scottie Pippen昨天在Twitter發貼宣布了這個讓人心碎的消息,然而他的死因尚未透露。
引用Scottie Pippen表示:「我心傷透地分享了這個消息,我對我的長子Antron說再見。我們曾經一起分享籃球的喜悅,同時對於籃球也有無窮無盡的話題。Antron患有慢性哮喘,如果他沒有患上這種病,我深信他能夠在NBA中打拼。他從來都不會因此而失落,儘管如此,Antron保持正面的態度,而且努力工作,我對他能夠成為這樣的人而感到驕傲。」

"I’m heartbroken to share that yesterday, I said goodbye to my firstborn son Antron," Pippen wrote. "The two of us shared a love for basketball and we had countless conversations about the game.

"Antron suffered from chronic asthma and if he hadn’t had it, I truly believe he would've made it to the NBA. He never let that get him down, though — Antron stayed positive and worked hard, and I am so proud of the man that he became.


"Please keep his mom, Karen, and all of his family and friends in your thoughts and prayers. A kind heart and beautiful soul gone way too soon. I love you, son, rest easy until we meet again."
Antron Pippen之前在德克薩斯A&M國際大學和南喬治亞技術學院打球。這兩所學生都為到Antron Pippen的死感到遺憾。

