有洋蔥!Kobe Bryant生前跟Michael Jordan的最後對話曝光!

在2020年1月26日,Kobe Bryant因為直升機失事而不幸身亡。至今已經一年多的時間,依然有很多人無法釋懷,默默的思念著這位偉大的球星,籃球之神Michael Jordan就是其中一人。在去年Kobe的追悼會中,Michael Jordan在演說時淚流滿臉,他視Kobe Bryant為自己的親弟弟一樣。
最近Michael Jordan接受ESPN的Jackie MacMullan訪問提起Kobe依然很激動。Michael Jordan跟ESPN分享了一些非常珍貴的東西,就是他與Kobe Bryant之間最後一次的文字交流。他沒想過在2019年12月8日中午的那段信息就是他們二人最後一次的交流。

引用Kobe首先發信息:「這杯龍舌蘭酒 (Michael Jordan在發布會上送給了Kobe的辛科羅龍舌蘭酒) 真棒。」







"This tequila is awesome," Kobe texted, referring to Jordan's Cincoro Tequila, a bottle of which was sent to Bryant at the launch.

"Thank you, my brother," Jordan responded.

"Yes, sir. Family good?" Kobe replied.

"All good. Yours?"

"All good."

Jordan smiled, then decided to have a little fun. "He was really into coaching Gigi," MJ explains, "so I hit him up about that."

"Happy holidays," Jordan texted back, "and hope to catch up soon. Coach Kobe??!"

"I added that little crying/laughing emoji," Jordan chuckles.

"Ah, back at you, man," Kobe wrote. "Hey, coach, I'm sitting on the bench right now, and we're blowing this team out. 45-8."
Michael Jordan表示他很喜歡那段對話,那顯示了Kobe的熱愛競爭的天性。這次對話的十一天後,Kobe Bryant得知自己正式提名進入名人堂。可是,四十九天後他就離開了。Jordan告訴ESPN,Kobe的妻子當時早在六個月前就問他是否會在名人堂大會中為Kobe站出來。Jordan毫不猶豫的表示一定會。

"It's going to be a great honor, to be honest. It's like standing up for a family member. He paid me the highest respect by trying to emulate certain things I did. And I can only repay that by showing my support and admiration for a guy who I felt was one of the greatest to ever play the game."

"I was thinking, at first, I might be a little somewhat nervous about it, but then I realized I'm not going to be nervous about showing emotions for someone I absolutely loved," Jordan says. "That's the humanistic side of me — people tend to forget I do have one."

