美媒認為:倘若Kawhi Leonard加盟獨行俠,即意味著放棄當家地位!

快艇在西岸決賽被太陽淘汰。失落總決賽資格的快艇未來還要收拾心情面對主將Kawhi Leonard離隊的可能。Kawhi Leonard跟快艇的合約是明年到期,現在已經傳出獨行俠和熱火有意招攬他。但有美國媒體認為倘若Kawhi Leonard加入獨行俠,意味著放棄了球隊當家的地位。
NBA分析師Chris Broussard指出兩個足以證明他會離開快艇的原因。如果快艇隊醫犯了一些嚴重的錯誤影響了Kawhi Leonard的健康,而Steve Ballmer又不糾正的話。那是一個合理的理由。 如果Kawhi Leonard得出的結論是離開的話,他只需要在本賽季離家出走,那是一個合理的理由。但情況並非如此,尤其是他剛在三月份在洛杉磯買了 1700 萬美元的房子。如果他去達拉斯的話,那意味著他不想成為當家。他不想承擔球隊責任,不喜歡隨之而來的壓力和期待。他不喜歡在沒有拿到總冠軍或表現不佳時被批評,所以選擇去達拉斯,那裏有Luka Doncic可以承擔這一切。倘若他選擇去邁阿密從話,最多也是一次平行交易,甚至拿不到頂薪,且能夠輔助他的陣容也不會比現在的快艇好。

"If there was some egregious mistake made by the Clippers’ medical staff that affected Kawhi, and Steve Ballmer wouldn’t correct it, OK, that would be a legitimate reason," he said. "… If Kawhi has come to the conclusion that [he] just needs to be away from home during the season, then that would be a legitimate reason. … I don’t think that’s the case, especially with him just buying a $17 million house in March in Los Angeles … but if he left for one of those two reasons, then you’d say ‘OK, that’s a personal decision’. Any other reason, and I would find myself saying, ‘What is Kawhi Leonard thinking?’

"If he went to Dallas, that would tell me you don’t wanna be the man. You don’t like having the responsibility of carrying a franchise. You don’t like the pressure and expectations that come with that … you don’t like being the one that gets criticized if you don’t win a championship or underachieve. So you go to Dallas where Luka [Dončić] can handle all that. … Your supporting cast in Miami would be no better than your supporting cast with the Clippers. It’d be very close, and Miami can’t even get you the full max, so if he left for anything but the first two reasons, to me, it would speak negatively about Kawhi Leonard."

