對於太陽面臨「贏球或回家」的狀況,Chris Paul依然感到興奮!

引用Chris Paul表示:「整個季後賽之中,這是我們第一次面臨淘汰的比賽。所以真的已經不能回頭了。我們必須跳出來準備好,要麼贏球,要麼回家。」

"Throughout this whole playoff run, this is our first elimination game," Chris Paul said. "So it's for real. It's no looking back now. We got to come out, be ready to play and it's either win or go home."


Chris Paul對此感到非常興奮,他認為那是他們所有人包括教練都認為的:如果回到季初的時候告訴大家他們可以去到這個位置的話。會接受嗎?答案是絕對的接受。現在還有機會決定結果。這不是模擬遊戲。他們的命運就操在自己的手。這就是最讓他感到興奮的地方。

引用"It's definitely exciting," Paul said. "Something that Coach and everybody has been saying: If you went to the beginning of the season and said we had a chance to be where we are right now, would you take it? Absolutely. Absolutely. And we get a chance to determine the outcome.

"It's not like the game is going to be simulated or somebody else got to play. We get a chance. We control our own destiny. So I think that's the exciting part about it."

