Kevin Durant憶述自己與Kobe的關係,並以「神」來形容他!

布魯克林籃網球星Kevin Durant從小就已經很崇拜已故洛杉磯湖人隊傳奇Kobe Bryant。過去Durant不時談到他對Kobe的欽佩,最近他又在 Twitter Spaces 上抒發自己對Kobe的愛慕。
Kevin Durant回憶自己與Kobe的關係,他以「神」來形容Kobe。

引用「和他在同一個更衣室裡,就像置身在季後賽中和他比賽一樣,以及他贏得冠軍的過程一樣。 所以與許多其他人相比,我們有著與別不同的交流。 你知道我曾經在他的那段奪冠旅程中交手。他的氣息,宛如神一般的身影......就像你看到有人在一場NBA比賽中得到81分一樣。 在他身邊,連說話都感到很難。但他總是努力教導和幫助年輕一代。Kobe Bryant是我們所有人小時候都仰慕和關注的人。在他還活著的時候,他的 DNA 已經嵌入我們的體內。他教導我們什麼是比賽,什麼是職業道德。現在他不再我們身邊了,我們都想通過比賽來表揚他在每場比賽中都充滿激情和能量。」

“Being in the same locker room with him, like I competed against him like that same playoffs, and the way he won the championship too. So we had a different connection compared to a lot of other guys. You know, I played against him on that journey,” Durant narrated.

“His aura was just like a god-like figure. … Like you see someone in the flesh who scored 81 points in an NBA game. It is hard to even speak around him. But he’s open and he was always trying to teach and help the younger generation out.”

“Kobe Bryant is the guy that all of us looked up to and watched as kids. Even when he was alive and playing, his DNA was embedded in us. From afar, [he] tought us what the game is about, what work ethic is about,” KD said of Kobe.

“Now that he’s not with us no more, we all want to honor his teachings by going out there and playing with that passion, with that energy every single play.”
Kobe Bryant的曼巴精神早就滲入年青球員之中。這就是為什麼今天有各種各樣的曼巴挑戰,太陽球星Devin Booker和公鹿字母哥同樣為著一些承諾而奮鬥。

