被交易後,Kyle Kuzma IG發貼:我愛湖人,我是一輩子的湖人!

昨天在Russell Westbrook的交易案中,Kyle Kuzma被交易到巫師,我相信看到他離開,高興的人不止一個。因為他在湖人實在難以茁壯地成長。低但無論你喜歡他或是憎恨他,無可否認的是Kyle Kuzma在過去幾年為湖人發揮了舉足輕重的作用,在某種程度上,如果沒有他,湖人隊就無法實現目標。

昨天Kyle Kuzma在 Instagram上分享貼文,衷心告別過去四年他稱之為家的城市——洛杉磯:

引用「天哪,我該從哪裡開始??? 我在湖人經歷了一段旅程。 我當時 21 歲,只是一隻幼崽的來到這裡,你們張開雙臂接受我加入洛杉磯! 進入這個聯盟後,我告訴Robby, Jeanie和 Magic,我在這裡想做的就是幫助成就一些特別的東西,並幫助得到第17支總冠軍橫幅,我們做到了! 我不會改變我的旅程,一切對我來說都是一個學習的機會! 我在洛杉磯的時候從一些地球上最好的球員那裡學到了籃球,現在是我走出去真正展開我的翅膀,成為我所說的我的時候了💯.....我愛湖人,我是一輩子的湖人」

Man oh man where do I begin??? Lakeshow we’ve had a journey. I was 21 and just a young pup coming here and you guys opened up your arms openly and accepted me into the LA community! Coming into to this league I told Robby, Jeanie and Magic that all I wanted to do here is help be apart of something special and help be apart one of those banners (now) 17 banners and dammit we did it! I wouldn’t change anything about my journey everything has been a lesson to me! Ive learned the game of basketball from some of the best players to ever do it on earth while being in LA and now it’s time for me to get out there and really spread my wings and be who I say I am💯….LUV LA I’m a laker for life


