首秀表現不似預期?狀元Cade Cunningham:我們不會因為一場敗仗就垂頭喪氣!

今天在夏季聯場賽事中,活塞以72-76不敵雷霆。活塞狀元Cade Cunningham的表現似乎未如理想,全場17投僅5中,三分7技2中,得到12分6籃板2抄截2封阻,但有5個失誤。

引用狀元Cade Cunningham接受賽後訪問時表達了自己第一次穿上球衣作賽的感受:「第一次穿上NBA球衣覺得很有趣。我們明顯地很想拿下這場比賽的勝利。但最重要的是我們的思想一致,我們都希望這支球隊能夠達到怎樣的層次。現在,我們對彼此都有更好的感覺。我們從未一起比賽,但我們將會有很多的時間去建立默契和一同成長。我們不會因為一場敗仗就垂頭喪氣。我認為這就是在第一場比賽中最想學得到的東西。最重要是我們的感覺很好。我希望以後踏足球場的時候都能表現得很有自信,隨時準備好上場出手。我知道在隊友的角度看狀元隊友加入的感受是怎樣,所以我不想試圖成為一個佔據了所有隊友空間的人。我希望尊重他們之間比賽中建立的空間。Saddiq是隊中的新秀陣容一隊,所以我希望他能夠繼續提升自己。而對我來說,我只是嘗試在場上發揮作用,成為一個最好的隊友,並盡我所能對這支球隊產生最正面的影響。」

“It was fun being able to put an NBA jersey on [for the] first time. Obviously, we wanted a win out of this,” Cunningham said. “More than anything we’re on the same page, mentally on where we want this team to be. Now, it’s about having a better feel for each other. We haven’t played a lot together, but we have so much time to build this and grow from it. We’re not gonna hang our heads off just one game.”

“I think we got a lot from this game that we can learn from, and I think that’s the main thing you want coming out of your first game,” Cunningham. “So now we’re just gonna try to keep on building off of it.”

“Both of them felt good,” Cunningham said. “I wanted to step into the game confident, ready to shoot, ready to play. To see the first two go down is a good feeling. But now it’s just building off that. I don’t know if I hit another one after that. There’s something you can learn from always.”

“I know what the perspective of my teammates would be having the No. 1 pick come in,” Cunningham explained. “So I don’t want to come in and be a guy that’s trying to be all about me and take all of that space up. I want to respect their space. They’re trying to build on their games. Saddiq is coming off first-team All-Rookie. So I want him to add on that and try to elevate himself. For me, it’s just to come in and try to make plays and be the best teammate and try to make the best impact that I can on this team.”

來源:https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/nba/pistons/2021/08/08/cunningham-answers-call-early-summer-league-debut-pistons-fall-thunder/5534509001/, https://www.nba.com/news/cade-cunningham-shows-potential-in-summer-league-debut
