Metta Sandiford-Artest透露當時效力騎士的LeBron James曾招募過自己,只不過他拒絕了!

最近,Metta Sandiford-Artest對於自由市場的狀況有感而發。Sandiford-Artest表示LeBron James曾經招募自己到克利夫蘭騎士隊一同打球,可是他拒絕了。
引用當LeBron James還在騎士的時候,他找了我。我還記得當時是興奮的,因為LeBron聯絡我。我是他的忠粉。就算年輕的時候也是。但此前,我甚至不想與Kobe Bryant打球,所以LeBron James也是。我也不想跟Tracy McGrady打球。我想對上這些球員。所以當LeBron找我的時候,我是基於很多原因而覺得自己不能過來......但是當沒有球隊想要我的時候,我也沒有打給LeBron,而是在之後湖人打給我。我只好去那裡,因為我不知道會不會再得到一份合同。只是會不會跟任何人一同打球這一點並不取決於我。

“LeBron James hit me up one time when he was with the Cavs,” he said. “And I remember I was excited, because LeBron hit me up. I’m a big fan, even though younger, I was a big fan. But before that, I didn’t want to play with Kobe [Bryant] — R.I.P. Kobe — I didn’t want to play with LeBron. I didn’t want to play with T-Mac (Tracy McGrady). I wanted to play against these guys. So when LeBron hit me up to come play for the team, I was like, ‘Um, I can’t come play. You know, because many reasons, I can’t come.’ … But when no teams wanted me, after that, I didn’t call back LeBron. So then the [Los Angeles] Lakers call, I said, ‘I gotta just go because I don’t know if I’m going to get a contract.’ But, it’s not in me to play with anyone.”
Metta Sandiford-Artest生涯末期大部份時間都在湖人隊度過,並在 2009-10 賽季為球隊贏得了 NBA 總冠軍。在他的巔峰時期,Metta Sandiford-Artest是一個接近全明星的球員,職業生涯場均13.2分4.5籃板2.7助攻,投籃命中率為 41.4%,三分命中率為 33.9%。

Metta Sandiford-Artest 最後一個效力NBA的賽季已經是四年前的2016-17 賽季了。

