Carmelo Anthony憶述:當年活塞承諾會選我,結果沒實現!如果我在活塞本可以得到兩連冠!

前陣子在選秀大會中被火箭選中成為榜眼的Jalen Green表示自己就算是第一順位也不會想去底特筆活塞打球,這引來了許多外界的批評。

今天Carmelo Anthony就到類似的案例提到當年假如自己在2003年被活塞以第二順位選中,現在的日子會過得怎樣。
引用Carmelo Anthony在All The Smoke節目中表示:「我想如果我在那裡的話,他們會得到另一個總冠軍。我不會放話說我們能實現三連冠。我覺得如果我在那裡的話會得到兩連冠。他們都是老將,我會從他們身上學到東西。到了第二年,我會以完全不同的球員姿勢回歸。那改變了我的生涯。我告訴你吧,時至今日,我仍然在想著那件事。因為我覺得,他們給了我承諾,『我們會選你的,我們要選你。 』我說的是直到選秀那天都是如此。所以在我心裡,我認為我會去活塞。 直到今日這件事都在困擾我。」

"I think if I was there, they win another (title)," Anthony said on the "All The Smoke" podcast. "I wouldn't jump out there and say we three-peat. I think we'd go back-to-back if I'm there. ... They were all vets, I would have learned from those guys. And that second year coming back, I would have been a totally different player coming back."

"Changed the course of my career," Anthony said. "I'mma tell you what, man: To this day, I still think about that. ... Because I'm like, they promised me, 'We taking you, we taking you.' I'm talking about all the way up to draft day.

"So in my mind, I'm going to Detroit."

In case you forgot, Anthony, 19 at the time, was widely considered a top-three pick in the 2003 draft after a dominating year (22.2 points, 10 rebounds a game) at Syracuse: he won All American honors, a national championship and his number was retired (after just one season).


身高 7 尺的Darko Miličić比 Carmelo Anthony 小一歲,Milicic自14 歲起就成為塞爾維亞籃球計劃中最好的球員之一。他參加的聯賽誕生了Toni Kukoc和 Vlade Divac這兩位優秀的球員,所以活塞會在Carmelo Anthony之前選上他也不意外。

