雙重標準?Mychal Mulder:有次因為沒有起手投籃令Draymond Green十分生氣!

相信大家大概都知道Draymond Green的性格是怎樣!直率的他無論是對待誰,都有種「天不怕,地不怕」的感覺,就算是面對聯盟最強的人,比如說是勇士舊隊友Kevin Durant或是LeBron James也不留情面,勇士的二年級小將Mychal Mulder當然也不例外。
引用Mychal Mulder在Dubs Talk節目中接受了Grant Liffmann和Kendra AndrewsMulder的訪問,當中提到:「自己不知道這是不是第一次了,但最深刻的就是沒有起手投籃。當時都頗肯定他在擺動,我就在底角接球,然後假投沒有出手,似乎得罪了Draymond。基本上他就在回場時對我怒吼,然後說不要害羞。我想是因為我之前錯過了一個投籃,然後我沒有起手第二次,這讓他有點失望。這說明了他是怎麼樣的領袖,你們懂我意思嗎?他朝我吼不是為了貶低我,而是為了激勵我,激發我的信心,這很有幫助。下一次我會堅決地出手。」

"I don't know if it was the first time, but one that stands out is I didn't shoot the ball," Mulder said to Grant Liffmann and Kendra Andrews on the Dubs Talk podcast. "I'm pretty sure he went swing, swing -- I was in the corner, I pump-faked and that's a sin right there to Draymond. He basically was barking at me on the way back down the floor. Talking about 'Don't get trigger shy' or whatever he said.

"I think I had missed a shot prior and then I didn't shoot the second one, and that set him off a little bit."

"That kind of speaks into the type of leader he is, ya know what I mean?" Mulder said. "It wasn't like he was yelling at me to degrade me. It was totally to uplift me and show he has the utmost confidence in me and it was really helpful. The next time down, I'm pretty sure I let it go.
我們其實不難理解為什麼Draymond Green會對Mychal Mulder這麼生氣,因為Mychal Mulder是勇士隊中最好的三分射手之一,他的三分命中率為 39.7%。因此,Draymond Green希望確保他在得到機會時會毫不猶豫。

可是,如果大家有留意Draymond Green打法的話,你應該也會覺得他是雙重標準的。就算他不是在勇士隊中搭配兩位神射手Stephen Curry和Klay Thompson,前陣子在東京奧運的時候與其他球星搭檔也不時在切入後完全空檔下不起手投籃而選擇傳出。我們當然知道他這樣講是想鼓勵隊友,可是他自己也沒有做好榜樣。坦白講,空檔的情況下不起手投籃也是Draymond Green的標誌。

