Chris Paul坦言當年在火箭的遺憾:沒有和Harden溝通好定位!

今年是Chris Paul最接近拿下總冠的一次,可是最後還是敗給了公鹿隊,痛失總冠軍的機會。 在此之前,Chris Paul在休斯頓火箭隊已經有過類似心碎的經歷。
Chris Paul最近在 No Chill 節目中坦誠說出自己在火箭隊的經歷和感受:

引用Arenas 說:「我記得係在火箭時,我說,唯一方法就是James Harden是否真的了解自己和你的天賦。作為一名教練,你必須進行耐心的談話。耐心的談話是這樣的,詹姆斯,直到第四節,最後五分鐘,這是你的比賽。最後五分鐘,球在Chris Paul手中。」

“I remember when you were over in Houston,” Arenas told Paul. “And I said, ‘The only way they make it out is if James actually understands his gift and your gift.’ As a coach, you have to have that hard talk. And the hard talk is this, ‘James, up until the fourth quarter, last five minutes, it’s your game. The last five minutes, the ball is in CP’s hands.'”
Chris Paul非常坦誠地說他確實希望與James Harden就他們在火箭隊的角色進行公開對話。 他還強調,除了討論這一點之外,最大的遺憾是他的健康:
引用Chris Paul表示:「你必須能夠讓他們交談,最讓我沮喪的是第一年,當時我不健康。這很瘋狂。那幾年在休斯頓的歲月在某種程度上有點模糊,因為當時發生了很多事情。但是我們很好。我們真的很好。而James Harden,我仍然要說,沒有人能像他那樣的得分。這太瘋狂了,伙兒 ......我不會交換任何經驗或諸如此類的東西,但我希望我們能進行一些對話。但最重要的是,我希望我能夠保持健康。」

“You have to be able to have them conversations,” Paul said. “And the thing that frustrated me the most was that first year, I wasn’t healthy. It’s crazy. Them years in Houston are kinda a blur, to a certain extent, because there was so much going on at the time. But dang, we was good. We was real good.”

“And James, I still say it, can’t nobody score the ball like he can. It’s crazy, man. … I wouldn’t trade any experience or whatnot, but I wish we would’ve had some of those conversations. But most of all, I wish I would’ve been able to stay healthy.”

