LeBron James第二本兒童讀物發佈:我的動力是能夠照顧我的媽媽,我將籃球視為唯一出路!

多年來,LeBron James一直以身作則,利用他在籃球場上的實力激勵著孩子們。現在,他想通過講故事的方式鼓舞人心。

週二,LeBron James發布了個人第二本兒童讀物《我們是一家人》,該書講述了五個朋友如何度過人生和籃球賽季。這部中等小說是他第一本出的《我承諾》的後續作品,靈感來自他的同名學校。

引用「我相信孩子們需要一些靈感,我希望為他們的夢想而努力。在中學,發生了很多生活和學習的變化,我在這麼年輕的時候就經歷了很多事情的壓力和不確定——就像我的 I PROMISE 項目中的孩子們今天正在經歷的一樣。通過這本書,我們想繼續分享這個信息。即使感覺生活給你帶來了一堆障礙,如果你努力工作,相信自己和周圍的人,永遠不要讓任何事阻礙你,一切都會好起來的。」

"I believe kids need some inspiration and hope to go for their dreams," James, 36, shares in an email Q&A with PEOPLE. "In middle school, there's a lot of life and learning happening, and I experienced all those feelings of stress and uncertainty about so many things at such a young age — much like the kids in my I PROMISE program are going through today."

"With this book," he continues, "we wanted to continue to share the message that even if it feels like life is throwing you a bunch of obstacles, if you work hard, believe in yourself and the people around you, and never let anything get in your way, everything will work itself out."

"The premise came very easily and naturally because I can relate to a lot of those experiences. Being raised by a single mom and wanting to take care of her," he says. "Seeing basketball as my only way out of the situation we were in. Being part of a community and a family that helped get me through the hard times to achieve my potential."



"When I was growing up in the inner city, my motivation was my mom and being able to take care of her. But I knew I couldn't do it alone. Like Jayden, I had a group of friends and mentors that were more like family that made me who I am today."

