[台北] ACHOI - 台灣的當代料理

上次在台北中山意舍酒店住了幾天,順理成章找了時間到樓下的ACHOI午餐。主廚兼老闆是來自香港的林明建師傅。初訪已讓我甚感喜歡。ACHOI強調做的是當代料理,沒有分明的國籍。餐廳大約是取了small plates餐飲方式,每道菜份量不大,人少也能試多一點。菜式中混合了台灣本土食材,這也是最近的新西餐潮流。

Another restaurant in Taipei which impressed me a lot - ACHOI. Modern Cuisine served in Tapas style, containing Taiwanese local ingredients.

餐前小吃 - 麵包脆片灑上紅椒粉和粗鹽,佐以花生牛奶抹醬。

Before started we had crispy bread with paprika and salt, the dipping is peanut milk flavor.

不太屬於自創菜式,但優勝在他們的食材配搭。章魚只有鮮甜有咬口,但就沒有比較分明的味道,搭配了酸甜突出的番茄、奶香濃郁的burrata cheese,還有陳醋,即成味道、質感及層次都做得好的沙拉。
Octopus salad. Tomatoes. Burrata.12 year aged balsamic. Arugula.
Not a self-created dish but taste really good as the ingredients are all fresh and nice

honeydew melon gazpacho, cucumber, pickled shallot, Bayonne ham, mint. I always love gazpacho but not many Taiwanese like cold soup. I heard some of Taiwan food bloggers don't like this but this is my favorite. Natural sweetness from honeydew melon matches with the Bayonne ham very well.

crunchy chicken thigh, chilled spaghetti, sesame dressing, buckwheat cress. Deep fried chicken and sesame dressing cold noodles are typical Taiwanese street food, chef combine these two to be a dish here, using spaghetti to replace Taiwanese noodles. Who said street food is cheap and cannot served in a proper restaurant?

shrimp sliders, sriracha-citrus mayo, cucumber, pickled onion. Bouncy shrimp patty with flavorful housemade sriracha-citrus mayo. I just want to have this again, so good!
