[台北 Taipei] 肉大人 Mr.Meat 肉舖火鍋

A decent restaurant for having traditional fermented cabbage and meat hotpot with a twist of modern presentation. I like this place a lot :)




Clean and comfortable atmosphere. Soup base is fermented Kaohsiung sour cabbage and pork bone soup. Sometimes they have another limited soup base but basically this cabbage soup base is their signature.


Taiwanese kimchi and bean curd roll (vegetarian chicken) as appetizer. And they have fermented tofu as dipping sauce.


We chose this Chardonnay for our dinner. They have quite a lot of wine choices.


Soup base including fermented cabbage from Tainan (I don't know why the menu mentioned those are from Kaohsiung), normal cabbage, broccoli, mushrooms, black fungus, tomato, pumpkin, tofu, bean curd sheet, meat ball, fish dumpling and egg dumpling. I love the taste of the soup base, adequate sourness, won't make you feel too sour.

我想一嚐台灣的豬肉,所以選了東寶黑豬肉去皮五花 550NT,肉質較有彈性,肉香也是偏甜的,不油不膩,好吃。Dong Bao Black Swine Pork Belly from Taiwan. Flavorful sweetness from pork and not oily at all

朋友點的伊比利豬五花 630NT。店員說這款豬肉油香比較重,我也非常喜歡呢!看起來很像很油,但吃起來一點油膩的感覺都沒有。愛油香重的朋友一定會喜歡。

Iberico pork belly, if you like stronger aroma of lard, you'd like this one.


All other ingredients are delicious, I like the taro and egg dumplings.


Recommend this place to you if you want to find a decent restaurant for this kind of hotpot :)

肉大人Mr. Meat
No.35, Lane 81, Section 2 Dunhua South Road, Taipei
11:30-2pm, 17:30-22:00
