[台北 Taipei] 晴光紅豆餅 Qing Guang red bean cake

台灣有很多買車輪餅的店。車輪餅,即是日本的那種大判燒,以前台灣曾被日本統治過一段長時間,所以不難發現台灣有很多日本小吃和美食。清光紅豆餅在台北有好幾間分店,我不知道老闆是不是同一個人,我去的那一間是在大安路上的,很近我之前住的Hotel Proverbs.

Taiwan route by Japan before. Therefore, lots of Japanese snacks and food found in Taiwan like the red bean cake (or wheel cake) it's actually imagawayaki from Japan. Qing Guang red bean cakes have several shops in Taipei, not sure they're owned by the same boss. The one I've tried is located on Da'an Road.


It's weekday raining afternoon, but there're several people lining up, waiting for the cakes. They have radish filling but all sold out. When I posted the picture of cakes+muscle guy on Instagram, there're a lot of followers asking me where is this (laugh)



We bought one red bean and one custard flavor. The cakes have quite big amount of fillings, not too sweet with crispy cake surface. I like the custard fillings, smooth and creamy, if I were very hungry I think I can have 3 pieces at once :)

No.41, Section 1 Da'an Road, Da'an District, Taipei
