[台北 Taipei] I met you cafe

Tweet [台北 Taipei] I met you cafe 2016.08.15 台北, 台灣, 咖啡館, 甜點
因為在Instagram看到很多人到了I met you cafe吃他們的玫瑰戚風蛋糕,看起來非常漂亮。所以約了朋友Banbi到訪一嚐,跟朋友拍蛋糕拍到不亦樂乎。Many of my friends came here for their Rose chiffon cake. Visited before with friend for afternoon tea.

門口有希臘的海邊風,但裏面則是古董古典裝潢,有心思的設計,跟朋友來吃下午茶很適合。Greece seaside houses inspired entrance with western classic interior design, very suitable to have afternoon tea with friends.
莓果氣泡飲 berries soda 170NT 、冰紅茶 iced tea (三明治套餐附贈 with sandwich set)
巧巴達三明治 230NT (附紅茶或咖啡,更換其他飲品折抵$80,14:00後供應)
巧巴達三明治的每日口味未必一樣,要先問店員或看看他們工作區內的小白板。朋友沒有吃午餐所以點了。她覺得好吃,麵包有麵粉香,Q彈鬆軟,裡面夾了生菜、番茄還有起司片,當天有厚切培根口味。The fillings of the sandwich change daily, have to ask their staffs. My friend ordered this for her lunch, inside it has cheese, lettuce and tomato. That day they have thick Taiwanese bacon.
玫瑰伯爵茶戚風 Rose earl grey tea chiffon cake 170NT
IG出現度很高的浪漫漂亮甜點,使用Twining的伯爵茶做這蛋糕,玫瑰花瓣也能吃。蛋糕味道雖然不是驚豔,但也清潤順口。flavorful earl grey tea with decent scent from the rose petal. The texture of the cake is fluffy, nice chiffon cake.
蘋果卡士達 Apple custard cake 170NT
肉桂味很重的一款甜點,裡面的卡士達質感像布丁,不錯吃,就是能想像到的蘋果+肉桂+卡士達組合。The taste is not surprising, typical apple with cinnamon and custard dessert.
I Met You Cafe
地址:台北市信義區基隆路一段380巷5號 No.5, Alley 380, Section 1 Keelung Road, Xinyi District, Taipei
電話:02 2758 6323
