台中 樂軒究極和牛燒肉 Rakuken Taichung

Tweet 台中 樂軒究極和牛燒肉 Rakuken Taichung 2016.09.06 台中, 台灣, 烤肉/火鍋
一家在台中燒肉+火鍋店。在樂軒的fb看照片看到流口水,照片拍超美的!肉質看起來也非常漂亮。上一次就算是自己一個人也去了吃燒肉,印象非常深刻,很好吃。One of the best yakiniku restaurant in Taichung.

一樓是火鍋,二樓則在今年四月供應烤肉。座位是一個個的包廂,用餐的私隱度極高,環境亦非常舒適。They have hotpot (ground floor) and yakiniku, Japanese barbecue. All seats are all in private room, comfy environment and atmosphere.
銅鍋是來自日本的,加上備長炭,燒出來的肉火候一定會很好。Binchotan (bincho charcoal) for grilling the meat.
一看到這個拼盤雙眼立刻亮起來!牛肉的選用是來自澳洲的AA9等級和牛,我自己一個人沒辦法吃那麼多,店員提議我選兩款肉。每款肉都有部位名的牌,選肉的時候好像古代皇上翻牌選妃那樣呵呵 (想太多 XD) Wagyu are from Australia AA9 grade, you can choose the parts you want to try.
 燒肉王樣 肋眼上蓋 Ribeye cap steak 1880NT
珍貴的部位,傳說中的"老饕牛排“,索價比較貴但絕對值得,油脂分布平均,肉質鮮嫩,肉味與油香比例較平均,經炭火高溫烤過後肉汁能鎖實,一分錢 一分貨,吃到的時候真的有點驚豔的感覺。Very flavorful and buttery ribeye cap, tender and aromatic, worth trying.
非點不可 牛舌 Ox Tongue 750NT
只用牛舌40%的肉,質感比較爽口,更有牛肉香味,尤其是平常燒肉時愛點牛舌的更不要錯過。Only 40% of ox tongue is used, bouncy yet tender.
燒好的肉可配桌上的蔥鹽、紫蘇鹽、柚子胡椒,三款都很提味,我都喜歡。I love the seasonings, including scallion salt, shiso salt and Yuzu pepper.
甜點有水信玄餅。下次要來吃他們的二人餐,這次一個人吃的實在太少,很好吃但真的有點可惜,不過用餐全程都有一位服務非常好的服務員陪着我,很是愉快。一定會再來。Definitely will come back again with others for trying their set meals. This time I had dinner alone, but their staff was friendly and polite, I didn’t feel lonely to eat alone 🙂
台中市南屯區惠文路328號 No.328 Huiwen Road, Taichung
11:30-14:30, 17:30-22:00
