台北 阿根早點 法式吐司 脆皮蛋餅 A-Gain Breakfast Taipei

Tweet 台北 阿根早點 法式吐司 脆皮蛋餅 A-Gain Breakfast Taipei 2016.09.13 台北, 台灣, 早餐
讀者知道我一直很喜歡陳根找茶的早餐(分享請按此),之前在Instagram看到有人說陳根找茶脱離加盟前是阿根早點,找了一天跟朋友Henry去吃內湖加盟店,比較一下。I always recommend my readers and followers to try “Chen Gen Zhao Cha" for breakfast (review of Chen Gen Zhao Cha). I love their eggs omelet and toasts. Heard that Chen Gen was a franchise cafe of A-Gain before, therefore me and my friend Henry came here to try their food.

我們去的是內湖店,在內湖捷運站旁邊,非常方便。但這裏的衛生情況蠻糟糕的,有飛蟲和大螞蟻,讓我和朋友對這裡的印象不太好。A-Gain Neihu branch is right next to Neihu MRT station, easy to find. The hygiene here is quite bad, we saw big ants and flying insects when having breakfast.
檸檬紅茶 (30NT) 熱豆漿 (20NT)
Iced lemon tea has adequate sourness, not too sweet. My friend ordered warm soy milk.
法式鮪魚土司 (40NT)
“French toast" with tuna. The taste is surprisingly not surprising at all… Canned tuna with bread in eggs. The French toast with tuna I had in Chen Gen is so much better.
全家福蛋餅 (35NT)
蛋餅亦是一般早餐店的味道,蛋餅皮是煎得不油,但裡面的餡料 – 肉鬆、培根和火腿都是普通的品質,蛋也煎得有點太過頭,有點乾。如果你吃過陳根的培根,就知道我在說甚麼了。
“Family" eggs omelet roll. I like the crispy and non-oily surface, but the fillings inside are not something particular.
其實並不是要挑剔這裡或者特別擁護陳根找茶,但脱離加盟,品質、來貨都找得做得更好,下次還是重回陳根的懷抱好了。Won’t come back next time. I’d prefer Chen Gen’s breakfast.
No.3, Jinhu Road, Neihu District, Taipei
