台北 古早味豆花專賣店 寧夏夜市 黑糖刨冰 雪花冰 Authentic Taiwanese dessert near Ningxia Night Market

Tweet 台北 古早味豆花專賣店 寧夏夜市 黑糖刨冰 雪花冰 Authentic Taiwanese dessert near Ningxia Night Market 2016.09.29 台北, 台灣, 甜點
在寧夏夜市民生西路口附近有兩家豆花跟冰的店,這次介紹這家古早味豆花專賣店,適合逛完夜市去吃。Near Ningxia Night market there’re 2 shops for having Taiwanese dessert, suitable to have one after visiting the night market. This place is called “Authentic tofu dessert"

店子不大,賣的都是古早味的台式甜點。坐近裡面的冷風機會比較涼一點。餐點都在門口看得到,或者可以看材料作選擇。The shop is not big, you can choose what you want to eat by looking at the pictures or the ingredients.
粉圓豆花 Tofu dessert with boba
豆花蠻滑的但豆味不太濃,糖水甜度剛好不會太甜,粉圓Q彈,為豆花增添咬口。The soy bean flavor is not strong, but it’s smooth. Adequate sweetness with chewy boba.
芋頭、芋圓、花生、紅豆黑糖刨冰 Taro, taro balls, peanuts and red bean shaved ice with brown sugar
蠻喜歡這個的因為這裡的芋頭跟芋圓不錯吃,芋頭味道蠻突出的。刨冰簡單地加了黑糖,紅豆跟花生夠軟不會太硬。I like the aroma from the taro and taro balls, simple and tasty shaved ice with brown sugar syrup.
芒果雪花冰 Mango shaved snow ice
夏天限定,應該每天六月開始到十月可以吃得到。芒果不少給得大方,切得也夠大塊。雪花冰加上芒果汁吃很出芒果香氣。Limited in summer from June to October. Chunky and fresh mangoes, nice to have this in hot weather.
古早味豆花專賣店 “Go Za Mi" Authentic Taiwanese Dessert
No. 210, Minseng West Road, Datung District, Taipei
