台中 嚐仙手工芋圓芋泥專賣店 Tastgod dessert Taichung

Tweet 台中 嚐仙手工芋圓芋泥專賣店 Tastgod dessert Taichung 2016.10.05 台中, 台灣, 甜點 嚐仙是一家賣手工芋圓、芋泥、仙草的甜點店。在台中創立,現在在高雄也有分店。到過台中店吃他們的甜點。Tastgod (I didn’t type wrong) is a dessert place for Taiwanese dessert such as taro balls and grass jelly. The first shop is located in Taichung and Kaohsiung now has several branches. I have visited their shop in Taichung before. 
去的店在美村南路,靠近健康公園店容易找,去的時候天氣很熱但店裡的冷氣很弱。甜點選擇可看餐牌,配搭蠻多的。The shop is located on Meicun South Road near Jiankang Park. A lot of choices to create your own dessert.
綜合豆花2號 Assorted tofu dessert no.2, with mashed taro, mashed potato and boba
先吃豆花,配料選了芋泥地瓜泥、珍珠跟豆花。豆花味道非常一般,而且很碎散。可幸的是芋泥跟地瓜泥好吃,質感綿密,芋香跟地瓜香都濃郁可口。I don’t recommend their tofu dessert, too and not flavorful at all, luckily their mashed taro and mashed sweet potato are delicious, with pleasant aroma of taro and sweet potato.
綜合仙草1號 Assorted grass jelly dessert no.1, with taro balls, mashed sweet potato, barley and sago
選了芋圓、地瓜泥、薏仁,送西米露,芋圓跟芋泥一樣有濃郁的芋香。仙草不會太軟太硬,不錯吃。I like the taro balls here, strong scented taro and chewy in texture. Grass jelly is tasty too with adequate softness.
No.66, Meicun S Rd, South District, Taichung
