台北 初牛 牛排丼飯 捷運永春站美食 Steak bowl Taipei

Tweet 台北 初牛 牛排丼飯 捷運永春站美食 Steak bowl Taipei 2016.10.19 未分類 最近台北蠻流行吃燒肉丼飯,在永春站的初牛牛肉丼飯食材製作用心,而且亦用碳烤的,愛吃牛肉的朋友不要錯過。Recently Taipei has some new restaurants for grilled meat rice bowl. “Chu Niu" is a diner for delicious charcoal grilled beef bowl.

店在永春站的住宅區,午餐時間過去人非常的多,餐點部分提供午餐跟晚餐,主要是牛肉丼飯為主。老闆之前在串燒店工作過,知道哪裡有好的美國牛肉食材進口。The diner is near MRT Yongchun Station. Lots of customers during lunch and dinner.
 焱烤帶皮玉米筍 Grilled baby corn 80NT
常吃玉米筍但比較少吃帶皮的玉米筍,老闆說可以連玉米鬚一起吃,玉米筍爽脆鮮甜,沾椒鹽更提味。Sweet and fresh baby corn, a good choice if you need some vegetables.
爆汁肋條丼 Rib finger bowl 239NT
Flavorful and tender meat with slightly stringy texture, tasty to eat with garlic slices. Rice, veggies and soft boiled eggs are nicely made, I like the soft boiled eggs.
厚切牛排丼 Steak bowl 239NT
非常漂亮的牛肉,剛好的五分熟。碳烤香很濃郁,簡單的胡椒調味就夠好吃了。旁邊有玫瑰鹽但我覺得不大需要,配上台灣白米飯,很滿足。Pleasant chewy texture and big beefy flavor with char grilled aroma, fully satisfied eating with Taiwanese plain rice.
No.126, Songde Road, Xinyi District, Taipei
11:30 – 14:00, 17:30 – 21:00
