台南 早餐店 吐司吐司早餐專賣店 牽絲起司蛋餅 Tainan

Tweet 台南 早餐店 吐司吐司早餐專賣店 牽絲起司蛋餅 Tainan 2016.11.21 台南, 台灣, 早餐 吐司吐司早餐專賣店,台南的人氣早餐店。跟朋友來訪目的是想吃看看他們的起司蛋餅。Popular breakfast stall in Tainan, famous for their Taiwanese cheese and egg omelet.

店在健康路上家齊女中跟7-11旁。店是藍色的很容易看得到。The stall is in blue color, next to a school and 7-11 on Jiankang Road Section 1.
鮮奶紅茶 (小) Fresh milk tea 20NT
奶味比較重的紅茶,甜度對於不愛喝甜的我來說剛好。Milk portion is more than tea, not too sweet, can choose cold or warm.
豬柳蛋餅 Pork loin Taiwanese eggs omelet 35NT
豬柳有醃過,吃到黑胡椒蠻香的,配合蔬菜吃起來多了一分清爽感。Nice combination of pork loin and veggies, I like the marinated pork loin with black pepper.
薯泥起司蛋餅 mashed potato and cheese Taiwanese eggs omelet 45NT
看起來很小一份但因為裡面的餡料很多,幸好跟朋友分吃,一個人吃的話可能之後要隔一陣子才能吃得下其他台南美食。薯泥混了些美乃滋,吃起來卻不會很膩口,旁邊的起司很能牽絲,完食一份很滿足。Mashed potato with Taiwanese mayonnaise, a lot of cheese inside, tasty in general but will be a bit too stuff if finishing the whole portion by myself, luckily I have friend to eat this with me.
No.348, Jiankangroad Section 1, Tainan City
Mon-Sat 6:00-11:00, closed every Sun
