台北 重慶豆漿 炸蛋餅 一吃愛上的早餐 Chongqing Soymilk Taipei Breakfast

Tweet 台北 重慶豆漿 炸蛋餅 一吃愛上的早餐 Chongqing Soymilk Taipei Breakfast 2016.11.28 台北, 台灣, 早餐 台北大同區早餐店重慶豆漿炸蛋餅個人很推薦,吃過一次之後還想要再訪。Awesome deep fried Taiwanese omelet, highly recommend this breakfast spot in TaipeiChongqing Soymilk.

師傅在門口炸蛋餅,先把蛋餅皮放進油鍋中,再直接打蛋在餅皮上面,最後放進菜脯。蛋餅切好後還會灑些椒鹽。The owner makes the omelet in front of the store. He first put the pastry into the oil, then beat an egg directly on top of the pastry, before done he put some radish pickles. Pepper is added on top of the omelet before served.
店在啟聰學校後面,坐公車/小黃來會比較方便,附近是菜市場,早上來看到不少人來買菜,也有不少人外帶這裡的早餐。除了蛋餅,這裡也有飯糰跟包子,但幾乎店裡的人都是吃蛋餅。It’s located behind deaf school Taipei, inside a wet market. Better come here by bus or taxi/uber as the place is not close to the MRT station. Besides omelet it has steamed buns and rice balls too, but seems everyone order omelet.
他們有一個套餐是豆漿+炸蛋餅,50NT一份。我點了冰豆漿,不太甜不錯喝。They have a set with omelet + soymilk/ rice and peanut milk. I ordered iced soymilk.
炸蛋餅一份,外面炸得非常的酥,可能是熱吃的關係,一點油膩感都沒有。裡面的蛋餅有Q度,加上雞蛋跟菜脯提香,還有椒鹽的味道,好吃,我很喜歡。是我會願意再訪三訪N訪的早餐店呢!Deep fried Taiwanese omelet. Outside is crispy and flaky, chewy and soft inside from the pastry, delicious egg and pickles with aromatic pepper. I like this omelet a lot and willing to visit again and again.
重慶豆漿 Chongqing Soymilk
No.32, Lane 335, Chongqing North Road Section 3, Datong District, Taipei
