台北 雞家莊 經典台菜 三味雞 手工雞蛋布丁 Ji Jia Zhuang Taiwanese Cuisine

Tweet 台北 雞家莊 經典台菜 三味雞 手工雞蛋布丁 Ji Jia Zhuang Taiwanese Cuisine 2016.11.29 台北, 台灣, 台菜 40多年歷史的經典台菜餐館雞家莊,主打雞的一系列菜式,包括雞肉、雞蛋、台菜,還有非常好吃的手工古早味雞蛋布丁。去年來吃過一次後一吃成主顧,覺得外國人也會喜歡。之前帶過兩三組外國客人來吃,他們都很喜歡。Ji Jia Zhuang Chicken established 40 years ago, serving authentic chicken, eggs and other Taiwanese dishes. Me and my foreign friends love the food here, especially their housemade caramel egg pudding.

他們有兩間,一間位於林森北路,但我比較喜歡到他們的創始老店長春路上,店子很大,一共有兩層,雖然是舊店,但店內絕對沒有什麼不好的氣味,也有不少雞造型擺設。They have 2 restaurants, the one I went is on Changchun Road, the founding restaurant.
三味雞 Three taste chicken 520NT
這裏的招牌,有白斬雞、煙燻雞和烏雞三種。白斬雞的肉質有點柴,但雞味很濃郁; 我喜歡煙燻雞和烏雞,相對肉質比較好,味道亦比較好吃,尤其喜歡煙燻雞的味道。旁邊還有酸菜,沾醬有酸甜醬和薑醬。Three kinds of chicken – original, smoked and bamboo chicken. Flavorful and sweet chicken meat, I like the smoked chicken the most because of the aromatic smoky scent.
蔭豉蚵 Oysters in pickled black bean 380NT
蚵仔肥美鮮甜,跟大蔥、蔭豉同煮很下飯下粥。Tasty and fresh oysters with leek and fermented black beans, goes very well with rice or congee.
雞卷 chicken rolls 160NT each
不是我吃過最好吃的雞卷,但也不錯吃。外面的豆皮蠻脆的,以雞肉製成卷狀,裡面的雞肉如果可以再多一點調味就更好。Crispy bean curd sheet with chicken fillings. the taste of the fillings are a bit too mild, more seasonings will be better.
紅炆苦瓜 Bittermon red simmered 286NT
白苦瓜加入豆豉煮,白苦瓜蠻入味的,但如果再煮軟一點會更好。Simmered bittermelon, bitterness is not strong, but I’d prefer softer bittermelon.
燙地瓜葉 Sweet potato leaves 180NT
點個蔬菜來平衡一下,簡單好吃。Ordered a veggie to balance the meal.
地瓜粥、雞飯 potato congee/ Chicken flavored rice 50NT each
I like the chicken flavored rice, using chicken soup the cook to rice.
雞蛋布丁 Egg puddings (free)
餐後店會送上這個布丁,人多會上這樣的一大個,人少會以位上一小個。大廚每天都會用鐵鍋炒砂糖作焦糖,雞蛋細心打好再烤。綿密香甜的質感,全天然全手工製作,在外面已經很難找得到的了,非常好吃。After meal the staff gives each table egg puddings. The chef cooks caramel in a big wok and bakes puddings every day. Very soft and tender, lovely sweetness from the caramel and eggy pudding.
雞家莊 Ji Jia Zhuang Chicken
No.55, Changchun Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei
