峴港 街頭美食 Street Food in Danang

Tweet 峴港 街頭美食 Street Food in Danang 2016.12.06 峴港, 越南   越南有很多街頭小吃跟小店,峴港也一樣。之前的旅程也去了幾家當地的小店,跟大家介紹一下。Street food and local restaurant in Da Nang. Except the French restaurant, I do recommend you to the rest which mentioned below
峴港在海邊,所以有很多新鮮的海鮮。選了這一間是因為有朋友介紹,收費公道,亦把海鮮做得好吃。除了味道一般的炒河粉,點了很好吃的烤大蝦、烤蚌、炒蛤蜊、炸魷魚,還有炒菜,每人只吃了460台幣(115港幣)左右。Da Nang is famous for their seafood. Quán Bé Anh is a local seafood restaurant serving fresh and delicious seafood. The dishes are ordered by the weight of the seafood and they would recommend the method of cooking. We had clams, prawns, fried squid and some veggies. Tasty with reasonable price.
Quán Bé Anh
Hoàng Sa, Quận Sơn Trà, Đà Nẵng, Vietnam
bánh xèo是指越南煎餅,圖中黃色的就是越南煎餅,加上串燒,吃的時候把煎餅、串燒肉跟菜包在米紙內,沙爹醬很美味。是有點油但地道又好吃,值得來這條煎餅街嚐一嚐。
It has a street called “bánh xèo street" at Da Nang. Bánh xèo (sizzling cake) and nem lụi (skewers) wrapped in rice paper. A bit too oily but delicious! Especially with the tasty satay sauce. When visit Da Nang, do try this hidden gem.
Ba Duong
K280/23 Hoàng Diệu, Đà Nẵng, Thành Phố Đà Nẵng, Vietnam
魚餅米線。Bún就是越南文米線的意思,這家魚餅米線很美味,湯頭以大量蔬菜、海鮮和水果去熬製而成,嚐起來有天然的甜味,除了米線,還有魚餅和蟹肉, 十分好吃,我很喜歡。
Bún chả cá means fish ball vermicelli. It can be found all over Da Nang. Rice noodles are topped with fish cakes and minced crab meat. The broth is made with lots of vegetables, seafood, and fruits. Naturally sweetened and aromatic.
Bún Chả Cá Bà Phiến
63 Lê Hồng Phong, Phước Ninh, Đà Nẵng, Vietnam
峴港人一般吃米粉,不太會吃河粉的。但我就是想要吃pho牛肉河粉。找到這家pho 63,滑溜的河粉配上好吃的牛肉還有牛湯,到峴港要來吃這家。
In Da Nang, people eat Mi Quang (rice thick noodles), or bun (rice thin noodles) instead of pho (rice flat noodles). But I found this place online and the comments are good, it’s delicious!
Phở Bắc 63
203 Đống Đa, Thạch Thang, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng, Vietnam
這家法國菜本身是不太感興趣去的,但有人想吃所以就去了吃午餐。味道不錯但就覺得沒有甚麼特色,是不貴但個人認為可以不去。在越南吃法國菜還是去河內或胡志明市吧,峴港洲際酒店裡有一間很有名的法國菜餐廳,應該比較值得一試。A French restaurant in Da Nang, Not worth to try in my opinion.
Le Rondez Vous
20 Ly Thuong Kiet, Da Nang Vietnam
11:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00
