台北 富宏牛肉麵 24小時營業 西門町 宵夜美食

Tweet 台北 富宏牛肉麵 24小時營業 西門町 宵夜美食 2016.12.06 台北, 台灣, 牛肉麵 24小時營業的富宏牛肉麵,以前吃過還沒分家的建宏牛肉麵,便宜好吃。之前住在西門町的永安棧,晚上跟朋友去吃牛肉麵。A nice beef noodles around Ximending – Fu Hong Beef noodles, open 24 hours daily.

洛陽街上同名店有兩家,我去的是69號的那一家。晚上10點左右還是有很多人,牛肉麵小碗由80NT起,還有滷肉、牛雜和湯餃。There are 2 shops with same names, the one I went is no.69. Beef noodles priced from 80NT.
小菜只要20NT,要了海帶跟雞爪,不錯吃。Only 20NT per plate for the pickles. I chose seaweed and chicken feet.
桌上有不少調味料,我很喜歡他們的辣牛油,不太辣,酸菜也蠻好吃的。You can see there’re a lot of seasonings on the table. I like their “spicy butter" (the orange one) and the pickles.
盒裝飲料是免費的,如果內用的話每人可拿一盒。Drinks in cartons are free, do take one from the fridge.
魯肉乾麵 (小) 40NT Minced pork dried noodles (small)
麵條可選粗麵或陽春麵,朋友選了粗麵。麵條很彈牙,魯肉很多味道也不錯,不會偏鹹偏甜。但我還是喜歡這裡的牛肉麵。The miced pork is tasty but I’d prefer their beef noodles more.
牛肉麵 (小) 80NT Beef noodles (small)
牛肉軟嫩好吃,湯頭就只有紅燒一種口味,味道也很不錯,不吃粗麵的可選陽春麵,下點辣牛油更香更好吃。不要把"牛肉湯麵"跟"牛肉麵"攪錯,牛肉湯麵是沒有牛肉可以吃的。Pretty sure here is one of the cheapest beef noodles in Taipei, but it’s delicious. The beef slices are tender and the soup is flavorful, don’t forget to put a bit of their butter. You can choose thick noodles or thin noodles.
No.69, Luoyang Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City
