台中 早午餐 甜點 A La Maison Sweet and Salt & Fashion Lab 瑞士老闆娘設計的美味餐點

台中 早午餐 甜點 A La Maison Sweet and Salt & Fashion Lab 瑞士老闆娘設計的美味餐點
甜點, 台中, 早午餐

台中早午餐另一推介,名字很長A La Maison Sweet and Salt and fashion lab,除每週一、二,每天供應幾道鹹食、三明治跟甜點。

A good place for brunch in Taichung, the name is a bit long – A La Maison Sweet and Salt and fashion lab, serves savoury and sweet dishes except every Monday and Tuesday.


It’s located at a cozy environment at Xiangshang Road. It has a small garden in the front of the bistro, besides food, it has some clothes for customers to buy. The owner is a Swiss, born and grown in Swistzerland French-speaking region. She likes Taichung, so she started to run a bistro.

庫斯庫斯 couscous 250NT


Tasty couscous made with veggies and beef soup, on top with chicken.

海鮮飯沙拉 seafood rice salad 250NT


This rice salad is cold, good to eat in hot summer. Different kinds of seafood mixed with avocado and tomato, vinegar and black pepper seasonings.

莓果塔、芒果塔 Raspberry Tart / Mango Tart

I like the “mango rose” of the mango tart. Inside the tarts are lemon custard, quite refreshing to have one after meal.

A La Maison Sweet and Salt & Fashion Lab


No. 9, Lane 245, Section 1, Xiangshang Road, West District, Taichung City

Wed-Fri 11:00-19:00, Sat-Sun 09:00-19:00 (Mon and Tue closed)
