台北 茂園餐廳 Mao Yuan Restaurant 台北米其林推薦台菜 Taipei Michelin

台北 茂園餐廳 Mao Yuan Restaurant 台北米其林推薦台菜 Taipei Michelin
台菜, 台灣, 台北


Mao Yuan Restaurant is Michelin Taipei 2018 bib gourmand. The Taiwanese cuisine here is authentic and homey. I have brought some foreigners to come here several times already during my Taipei food tour trip. It doesn’t have a regular menu , you can order the dishes you want based on their fresh ingredients they have on that day.

炸花枝丸 Deep Fried Squid Balls 

花枝肉非常多,跟平常吃到的花枝丸更好吃。There’re quite a lot of squid meat in the balls, bouncy and fresh.

台灣香腸 Taiwanese Sausage

烤過的台灣香腸不太油,配蒜更香。Not oily after grilled, tastier to eat with garlic slices.

炒海瓜子 Stir Fried Clams 

海瓜子肉飽滿鮮甜,以九層塔跟蒜去炒,傳統的台菜炒海鮮。Fresh and sweet clams stir fried with basils and garlic, Taiwanese style stir fried seafood.

蒜泥鮮蚵 Fresh oysters with minced garlic

鮮蚵不大隻但鮮爽,蒜泥的味道剛好,不會搶過鮮蚵本身的甜。Oysters are not big in size but very fresh, full of oysters sweetness, garlic scent is adequate.

鹽酥小卷 Deep fried small squids with salt and pepper

這裡的招牌,飽滿彈牙帶鹹香,配啤酒非常搭。One of their signature dishes, good to eat with beer.

滷豬肝 Braised pork liver 

不得不吃的另一招牌,說是滷豬肝,其實是豬肝加醬油調味,再以低溫方式醃泡至熟。粉嫩豐腴的豬肝質感跟味道,非常好吃。Another signature, can’t miss this when visiting here. This braised pork liver is actually marinated with soy and slow cooked. Flavorful and soft, delicious!

茂園餐廳 Mau Yuan Restaurant 

No.185, Chang-an East Road Sec 2, Zhongshan District, Taipei

11:30-14:00, 17:00-20:30

Tel: 0227528587
