台北 鵝肉川 好吃鵝肉 熱炒 士林區美食 Goose Professor Taipei

台北 鵝肉川 好吃鵝肉 熱炒 士林區美食 Goose Professor Taipei
台菜, 台灣, 台北


“Goose Professor” is decent place for Taiwanese stir fries, suitable for girls gathering too! Soy braised goose is their signature, I like the dense yet soft texture of the goose slices. We’ve tried quite a lot of dishes and they’re all good. 

自助飲料 self served drinks,吃熱炒少不了啤酒,冷泡茶也不錯喝。

Bamboo sticks two ways – with preserved potherb mustard, with salty egg yolks 筍兩吃:雪菜炒筍 / 鹹蛋黃炒筍,我們比較喜歡鹹蛋黃炒筍多一點。

Goose slices 招牌鵝肉片,鵝肉不柴富鵝肉香,帶點燻香的香氣,味道亦不死鹹,好吃,是這裡的必點。

新鮮厚肉的clams with basils 九層塔蛤蜊,味道不太濃烈的stinky todo 臭豆腐,我愛吃的炒山蘇

煎馬頭魚 pan fried red tile fish,外皮酥脆裡面的魚肉細嫩,是老闆每天找的新鮮貨。

不算特別的炒麵炒飯 fried noodles and fried rice

老闆送的芋頭甜點 taro desserts,外脆內軟。

鵝肉川 Goose Professors


1700-0000 (週二公休 Closed Tue) 
