唔拎係掛? 唐寧入波造成恐慌 球迷直指世界沒日



以致外國產生左好多以恥笑唐寧為樂既球迷!不過今場波佢地真係睇到眼鏡都爆埋,有D球迷更直「唐寧入波!我重複唐寧入波!完了!」(DOWING SCORED! I REPET DOWING SCORED! IT'S THE END)



Liverpool Twitter 都唔客氣

@LFC_hardline: Enrique can pass, Downing can make a score. incredible night!

@ponoviran: Downing opens his account for the season with a great goal, hope to see more this season.

@Ryanlittler96: Impossible is nothing.. Stewart Downing has just scored!

@Alexboyd10: Downing scored. Woah

@Palmo69: Hang on... Downing scored?

@sloany25: Oh my Stuart Downing has just scored.

@swalden8: Are Liverpool playing a team with no goal keeper? Stewart Downing scored...

@os190: An amazing day of sport culminating in a goal by Stewart Downing.

@alukey This seasons top scorer so far stewart downing #welldonelad

@tyandstuff: Stewart Downing has just Scored for Liverpool! :O No Freaking Way!!

@henriksen1: I know Downing gets a lot of flak and some would say deservedly so, but while he he is wearing that Red shirt he deserves everybody support.

@ieuan: Downing take this goal an go on to get a load more

@buggylfc: Could are luck be changing? Last season that downing shot probably would of hit the post and this game would of been a draw

@narayand1988: Phelps gets his 20th Olympic Medal and Stewart Downing scores for Liverpool. What an honour to witness such accomplishments #GreatSportsmen

@lfcnewz: End of the day we played a no mark team tonight but downing should go into the season with some confidence. Fingers crossed

