手捧年度最佳教練獎座 Dwane Casey大談被速龍解僱

多倫多速龍在剛剛過去的2017-18球季常規賽取得59勝23負的佳績,排在東岸第一,但是在季後賽次輪慘遭騎士橫掃落敗,總教練Dwane Casey隨即被解僱。目前已獲活塞聘任為教練的Dwane Casey,正式贏得2017-18年度最佳教練。他在頒獎典禮上講起得獎感受時,大談被速龍解僱的想法。


「當你被解僱,即是我最近遇到的情況,我不知道你們知不知道。然後你贏得最佳教練,你會開始經常懷疑自己。」Dwane表示,「你會在想,『OK,我行不行呢?我想再一次做到嗎?』然後我去接受活塞老闆Tom Gores面試,他與我相連,他給我機會,我十分感謝一個信任你的人。作為一個球員或教練,最希望的就是老闆相信你,信任你,將球隊交給你。我非常感謝。
When you get fired, which I did recently, I don’t know if you knew that or not, after winning Coach of the Year, you always doubt yourself a little bit,” he said. “You think, ‘OK. Can I do this? Do I want to do this again?’ And then I interviewed with Tom Gores, the owner of the Detroit Pistons. He and I connected, and he’s giving me the opportunity that I’m very appreciative of, for someone to believe in you. And that’s all you want as a player, and also as a coach, and owner who believes in you and trusts you with his franchise, and I appreciate that.

現年61歲的Dwane Casey帶領速龍取得球隊歷史上最好的成績,但在被提名NBA年度最佳教練獎5天後被解僱。 他在6月11日與底特律活塞隊簽署一份為期五年的合同。
