SPD4459 Comma Café ~By Gordon Cheuk

Slow Movement(慢活):

After having a relaxing coffee time, is time to find something delicious. ;p

經友人推介﹐到旺角一間樓上咖啡屋試一試呢到出名又好味既 【包】--- 多士盒
We are going to try the “TOAST BOX” in a café located in Mong Kok.

Clean and comfortable environment
One Story = One Coffee
每一杯咖啡都有一個故事. 而在Comma Cafe, 每一個故事, 就等於一杯咖啡!
顧客在Cafe 與店長説出一個關於自己的故事, 就可免費獲的咖啡一杯.
Every coffee has a story. If you share a story of yourself with the staff,
you will get a free coffee

Strawberry toast box; Green tea with red bean Chocolate banana toast box;

三個多士盒賣相一流﹐夠哂足料﹐但多士盒內只是切開了數格﹐沒有加煉奶或其他醬料﹐ 亦沒有烤成脆麵包粒﹐ 除了表面有足料既生果﹑雪糕伴吃外﹐盒內基本是白麵包﹐對此頗為失望。
Those toast box look so good and juicy. However, the toast box does not been toasted actually. Apart from the ice cream, fruit and cream on the top of toast box, it just a bread.

但其實60-70蚊 可以嘆個多士盒同消磨一個下午﹐其實都幾抵既﹐可以一試﹗
It is recommended that you can enjoy the toast box and spend a half day long with only HK$60-70.

星期一至五: 14:00-02:00; 星期六至日: 12:00-02:00

Room 2105-06, 21st Floor, 43H Dundas Square, Dundas Street, Mong Kok,

Monday to Friday: 14: 00-02: 00; Saturday - Sunday: 12: 00-02: 00


標籤: food and beverage  tea  cafe  coffee  YTM  Yau Tsim Mong  SPD4459  internet