SPD4459 @@澳洲牛奶公司 香港人一定要知嘅餐廳@@ ~ AVI

今日做完 Project, 特登走去佐敦澳洲牛奶公司食個 tea, 須知 澳洲牛奶公司 大部分時間都好旺場, 就算過左早餐, 午餐時間,澳洲牛奶公司出面都會大排長龍。 今日去到情況依然,但好彩出面大部份排隊嘅人都係叫外賣的,我同朋友等左五分鐘已經可以入席。 入到去望見牆上餐排,第一個感覺。。。又貴左,但價錢依然屬平民化!!
After a busy day, I went to Australia Dairy Company to have a tea. It is common to know that, at most time, Australia Dairy Company is always full with massive of people, not only in the breakfast and lunch period, but anytime. Lying up outside Australia Dairy Company is not an another animal like. This situation happened today as well, but it only took us a minimal time to wait - least than five minutes. After we took a seat, we looked at the menu, the first feeling generated from the menu is the price rise, however, the price is still acceptable to the general public and every walks of life.

去到澳洲牛奶公司,識食緊係食佢炒蛋, 我同朋友叫左兩個常餐,煎蛋轉蛋治,上菜時間依然很有效率,唔洗一分鐘,D食物已放在你面前。 炒蛋依然很滑厚,對比普遍茶餐廳嘅蛋治,澳洲牛奶公司嘅蛋治厚得嚟又滑,滑得嚟又一口即溶,簡值物超所值。
My friend and I had reached for two normal dishes, which contains Australia Dairy Company the most famous cuisine - FIRED egg! Within one minute, the dishes you were order just appeared on the table.The fired egg is really, really, absolutely smooth, soft and just melted once its contacted on my tongue. and it’s incredible quality is just beyond it’s price.

P.S: 有人可能認為澳洲牛奶公司員工嘅禮貌比其他茶餐廳嘅侍應有所出入,但這正正係澳洲牛奶公司嘅獨特服務風格。入得澳洲牛奶公司食野就要預左隨時比侍應串,食得慢又會比佢地串,落單時猶豫不決,浪費佢時間又會比佢串,落單講錯多士烘底,又比佢地串,但佢地有時串得嚟都幾可愛。
Some may find that the staff there may a bit ''impolite'', however it is not the case! its their unique serving style.


SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
; YTM ; cafe ; coffee ; tea ; food and beverage


標籤: Yau Tsim Mong  YTM  cafe  coffee  tea  food and beverage